Modulárne batohy
Batohy pre vojenské použitie,
ako aj civilné a turtické účely
Ako prémiový dodávateľ profesionálnej vojenskej a policajnej techniky sú všetky produkty TASMANIAN TIGER vyrobené v tej najlepšej kvalite a s najlepšou funkčnosťou. Komplexné vývojové práce vždy vychádzajú zo špecifických potrieb a požiadaviek užívateľov. Od prototypu až po sériovú výrobu sú všetky produkty vyrábané vo vlastných výrobných zariadeniach spoločnosti. To zaisťuje zachovanie konštantne vysokej úrovne kvality. Každý krok vo výrobnom procese, od nákupu materiálov cez výrobu až po finálne kontroly, je presne definovaný a pravidelne kontrolovaný nezávislými testovacími centrami podľa medzinárodných noriem. Každý výrobok je pred opustením výroby skontrolovaný a dostane sériové číslo, ktoré sa potom uloží do vlastnej databázy spoločnosti.
Na produkty TASMANIAN TIGER sa môžete spoľahnúť – kdekoľvek a kedykoľvek.
História spoločnosti
Tasmanský tiger – nazývaný aj tasmánsky vlk – bol najväčším mäsožravým vačkovcom na austrálskom kontinente. Bol veľký asi ako malý vlk a za svoje meno „TASMÁNSKÝ TIGER“ vďačí pruhovanej srsti, ktorá slúžila ako kamufláž. Zviera bolo dravcom – nie veľmi rýchlym, ale mimoriadne vytrvalým – a v noci nasledovalo svoju korisť a prenasledovalo ju, kým sa nevyčerpalo, aby ju mohlo konečne chytiť. Zviera, vybavené vynikajúcou súpravou zubov a ústami, ktoré sa dalo otvoriť až o 180 stupňov, neprejavilo so svojou korisťou žiadne zľutovanie.
TASMÁNSKÝ TIGER je údajne na austrálskom kontinente vyhynutý od 30. rokov 20. storočia; posledný druh žil na ostrove Tasmánia. V roku 1966 bolo otvorené veľké útočisko pre zvieratá, ktoré im poskytlo útočisko a týmto spôsobom zachovali tento druh. Až do dnešného dňa už nebol videný žiadny TASMÁNSKÝ TIGER, ale veľa ľudí verí, že zviera prežilo v tejto svätyni a uniklo objavu až dodnes…
V tejto mýtickej legende sa prejavujú špecifické vlastnosti zvieraťa – vôľa prežiť, lovecký pud, dokonalé maskovanie, chytrosť, sila a vytrvalosť. Tieto atribúty nás podnietili dať našim výrobkom názov TASMÁNSKÝ TIGER.
Legenda žije ďalej!
O materiáloch

Ako prémiový dodávateľ profesionálnej vojenskej a policajnej techniky sú všetky produkty Tasmanian Tiger vyrobené v tej najvyššej kvalite a s najlepšou funkčnosťou. Komplexné vývojové práce vždy vychádzajú zo špecifických potrieb a požiadaviek užívateľov.
Všetky použité textílie a materiály sú testované podľa noriem ISO. Testy sú rozdelené podľa jednotlivých noriem. Napríklad norma ISO 6330 špecifikuje postupy domáceho prania a sušenia na skúšanie textílií a rovnako tak na referenčné detergenty a balasty. Túto normu používa napr. široká škála aspektov kvality a úžitkových vlastností textílií ako napríklad
PolyamideLightweight, double-sided silicone-coated and printed Nylon fabric in 5-color camouflage. The material according to TL 8305-0278 is used for rain covers.
Composition 100% Polyester
Polyester mesh material which is used for storage bags as well as for integrated mesh pockets.
Lightweight, strong Oxford fabric in 200 den polyester yarn with triple PU coating.
The classic 420 den Nylon material has proved itself in the “high density” (HD) version as a good, very flexible basic material. The 420 den yarn gives it a very high tear resistance. The material is made waterproof by the triple PU coating.
The classic 420 den nylon material proves itself in the “High Density” (HD) version as a good base material, which can be used flexibly. The 420 den thread results in a high tensile strength, at the same time this FD yarn (Full-Dull) gives the material a matte surface. The triple PU coating makes it waterproof.
Soft, PU coated polyester fabric made of 450 denier yarn in Oxford look.
This is a tightly and finely woven Polyamide material. Quadruple PU-coated, with a 10 000 mm water column rating.
Acetal is a crystalline thermoplastic polymer material. Acetal characteristically has excellent tensile strength, stiffness, surface hardness and chemical resistance. Acetal has excellent flexural memory and property retention when subjected to repeated loading. The normal short-term use temperature range is -40°F to +270°F (-40°C to +132°C). Acetal is recommended for high performance applications and Tasmanian Tiger uses this material for buckles on backpacks. Physical properties remain consistent across a wide range of temperature, relative humidity, and weather conditions.
This supple, extemely fine gauze with over 1000 holes/inch² is used for theTT Mesh Pocket Set.
We are using the classic CORDURA® fabrics made in high tenacity, air-jet textured nylon 6.6 in 500 Denier. CORDURA® brand provides fabrics that are recognized for their long-lasting durability and resistance to abrasions, tears and scuffs and is more durable than other fabrics. No matter the application, CORDURA® fabric offers a superior strength-to-weight ratio, making it a first-choice for durable fabrics.
We are using the classic CORDURA® fabrics made in high tenacity, air-jet textured nylon 6.6 in 500 Denier. The material according to TL 8305-0278 is characterized by long-term stability, high abrasion and tear resistance. CORDURA® fabrics are recognized worldwide and no matter the application, CORDURA® fabric offers a superior strength-to-weight ratio, making it a first-choice for durable fabrics.
CORDURA® in fibre thickness 700 den combines the high wear and tear resistance of the classic 1000 den fabric with the lightness of the 500 den fabric.
CORDURA® in fibre thickness 700 den combines the high wear and tear resistance of the classic 1000 den fabric with the lightness of the 500 den fabric. The material according to TL 8305-0278 is characterized by long-term stability, high abrasion and tear resistance. No matter the application, CORDURA® fabric offers a superior strength-to-weight ratio, making it a first-choice for durable fabrics.
Screening products with the specially developed tear-resistant material CRYPTALLOY® offer the highest level of protection against RFID/NFC attacks. The TÜV certified material blocks radio waves on all the usual RFID frequencies and can be used for all cards.
Pots, pans and all other tableware made out of 18/10 stainless will happily accommodate most requests in an outdoor kitchen. 18/10 stainless steel is durable, food safe and easy to clean.
Pots, pans and all other tableware made out of 18/8 stainless will happily accommodate most requests in an outdoor kitchen. 18/8 stainless steel is durable, food safe and easy to clean.
The polyester mesh is laminated with a soft, transparent polyurethane foil that makes it waterproof. It is used for accessories.
Nylon Webbing
The woven rib webbing is extremely wear- and tear-proof, and is used for packing straps, belts and rucksack straps.
Elastic woven webbing.
This very light, waterproof material made out of polyester is pleasantly soft to the touch, and is used mainly for rain ponchos, rain covers and stuff bags.
The very lightweight, PU-coated polyester material is waterproof with a water column of 10,000 mm.
Very lightweight and voluminous 3M™ Thinsulate™ insulation material with high thermal performance.
This very light polyester fleece stands out with its velvety surface and soft feel. Tasmanian Tiger turns it into clothing items, which serve as a warming „middle layer“ during sport or outdoor activities. The special Polygiene® provides for neutral body odor.
This technical 3-layered SoftShell material has a polyamide outer and a soft microfleece inner side, is wind- and water repellent as well as breathable.
Very light, elastic, breathable and quick-drying softshell material made from recycled polyamide with a small amount of elastane. The functional material for travel and hiking clothing is PFC-free and offers a high level of comfort in moderate and warm temperatures.
The very tight, special weaving method of the 210 den fibres makes this fabric extremely strong, but it remains light at the same time.
The very tight, special weave of the 210 den fibers makes this fabric extremely stable, but it remains extremely light. By using FD yarn (full-dull) the fabric gets a dull surface.
The fine Ripstop structure and triple PU/silicone coating make this lightweight fabric extremely resistant to tearing. It is used primarily for small and medium-sized backpacks.
The strong, wear-proof, highly elastic material is used for small items.
This robust, elastic, wind- and waterproof 3-layered material is used for high-quality hardshell jackets. This ultrathin nonporous membrane is extremely waterproof and offers a high air permeability and stretchability.
The robust, tear-resistant fabric made of polyamide and polyester (82% PA, 18% PES) has a delicate check pattern and is equipped with a PU coating to make it waterproof.
The textured polyester material in 600 den threads is robust, colourfast and versatile. PU-coated to achieve a weatherproof finish.
It is a soft plastic, and is used as a transparent foil for the TT ID Holder.